Scottish Civic Trust: My Place Photography Project

Interviews shot and full film edited by Beyongolia, activity content filmed by Rachel Thibbotumunuwe, a community education producer and artist.
The My Place Photography Learning Project is a built environment learning project developed by the Scottish Civic Trust for young people of school age. Developed in association with the My Place Photography Competition, the learning project run 2013-2015 and provides opportunities for young people to gain a better knowledge of their local buildings, places and spaces. This short video features a project with West Coats Primary School in South Lanarkshire. Pupils learned photography skills to explore scale, perspective and architectural detailing along with a range of classroom activities that developed their vocabulary. The class took an Architectural Walking Tour of Cambuslang to find out more about local buildings and history.
My Place Photography Learning Project 2015 from Scottish Civic Trust on Vimeo.
My Place Photography Learning Project: Teaser from Erin Maguire on Vimeo.
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